LONDON: An event hosted by Baroness Natalie Bennett discuss in details the human rights situation and speakers criticise what they called the violations in Balochistan. Speakers were including the host Baroness Natalie Bennett discuss, Dr Naseer Dashti (Executive President Baloch Human Rights Council), Dr Burzine Waghnar (Researcher at School of Oriental and African Studies), Dr Lakhumal Luhana (General Secretary World Sindhi Congress) and Peter Tatchell (Peter Tatchell Foundation).
According to a report by Balochistan Affairs.Com, Baroness Natalie Bennett of the House of Lords opined that the human rights violations in Balochistan could not be ignored under any pretext, and Pakistan must answer what is going on in Balochistan. Hosting a meeting titled “Baloch Lives Matter” in Cabinet Room One of the Houses of Parliament on 12 July 2022, she stressed the need for the accountability of those responsible for enforced disappearances, extra-judicial killings, and resource exploitations in Balochistan. Prominent scholars and human rights activists discussed various aspects of human rights violations in Balochistan.
In addition, a displayed documentary produced by BHRC provided a brief background of the Baloch conflict with Pakistan. In his opening address, Dr Naseer Dashti, executive president of the Baloch Human Rights Council, while briefing the meeting on the human rights violations and atrocities perpetrated in Balochistan, observed that the international community’s intervention is imperative. He asked the international community that there should not be any discrimination in dealing with crimes against humanity committed in Europe, Africa and Balochistan.
Burzine Waghmar, a researcher at the School of Oriental and African Studies, observed that China’s entry into Balochistan in disguise of development with its multi-billion CPEC projects has only contributed to environmental disaster and the socioeconomic marginalization of the people.
Dr Lakhumal Luhana, general secretary of the World Sindhi Congress, observed that the atrocities on the Baloch and Sindhis have reached unprecedented levels. He urged the civilized world to act before it is very late for the Baloch and Sindhis.
Peter Tatchell of the Peter Tatchell Foundation observed that human rights violations in Balochistan are a direct result of Pakistan’s forcible annexation of Balochistan into Pakistan and the subsequent struggle of the Baloch people for their right to self-determination. In this regard, he proposed a stepwise plan to peacefully resolve the Baloch conflict with Pakistan. The steps included an UN-supervised ceasefire, release of all disappeared prisoners, opening Balochistan to international media,
rehabilitation of internally or externally displaced persons, and an UN-supervised referendum to find out the will of the Baloch people.
Considering the scale and magnitude of crimes against humanity in Balochistan, it was suggested that the UK parliament, and the international community, should initiate inquiries into the situation and make Pakistan answerable for failing to comply with its international obligations. Baroness Natalie Bennett promised to raise the matter in the British Parliament.