AMPSO organises conference on diabetes in Rochdale


ROCHDALE: Asian Medical & Professionals Support Organisation (AMPSO) organised a conference on diabetes on Friday (7th December), at the Castlemere Community Centre. AMPSO is a team of in-service and retired doctors and other professionals endeavouring to raise awareness of many health issues affecting the community and costing a lot of money to the NHS. 

Their previous three seminars on a) drugs awareness, b) mental health awareness) and c) stroke awareness have been very successful. Diabetes is an increasing health issue. According to the latest figures, currently 3.7 millions people are suffering from diabetes out of which 90 % are on Type 2 diabetes and 10 % are on Type 1, 12.3 million people are on the increased risk .

As it depends on the lifestyle, food, exercise etc. Therefore, the members of the AMPSO felt that there was urgent need to raise awareness of this important issues In some cases, there is language barrier in understanding the terminology. The Presentations diabetes were multi-linguals and helped the audiences to understand better.

Ghulam Rasul Shahzad OBE recited verses of the Qur’an, welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the Rochdale Township for its financial support,  all those who attended the seminar. Humera Haqqani and Kashif Ali were the joint secretaries.

Dr.Humayun , Chairman, welcomed everyone to the seminar and provided a brief history of the treatment of the diabetes. Dr.Amna Khan explained about the Type 1 & Type2 diabetes and provided some case studies.

Dr. Abdul Saeed provided information about the process, composition of our bodies, ways we can prevent diabetes. His main emphasis was on ” Exercise for 30 minutes everyday ” 

Michael Dale , Chairman of the Locality Patients Participation Groups (PPGs) , spoke about the role of the Locality Patients Participation Groups. He advised audience to take active role in becoming members of their respective PPGs and raise issues. We raise these issues with the CCG.

Dr.Shabbir Rahuja explained about the complications i.e. blood pressure, kidney etc. and asked members of the community to look at their food they eat, culture, lifestyle and modernisation.  Dr.Sarwar Khan who is in service and is a Psychiatrist. He explained the psychological impact of being a diabetic and said it affects heart, high blood pressure, kidneys, eyes, mind and leads it to depression.  Kashif Ali :  sand a na’at i.e. poem praising the phrophet Muhammad (pbuh.) 

The Mayor of the Borough Councillor Mohammed Zaman thanked AMPSO for inviting him and doing an excellent work to raise awareness of the health issues. He said it is important that the community takes serious note of what is being informed by experienced doctors who have very long service in their own areas. It is good to see that these doctors are part of the community , multilinguals and meet the needs of the community in their own languages.

There was questions and answers sessions which went very well. Participants asked a lot of questions and members of the panels presenters answered these. 

Ghulam Rasul Shahzad OBE thanked the Rochdale Township for the financial support which enabled AMPSO to organise these seminars, all  participants, organisations, doctors, speakers , organisers, Castlemere Community Centre and its Management and hoped that everyone will support the work of AMPSO .